7 Men’s Beauty Tips & Hacks You Want to Know

The term beauty has always been synonymous with women and their cosmetic routines. But in recent times, the beauty fad has caught on with after all why not? Men are just as concerned about their men’s beauty tips with skin and hair care regimens and are constantly on the lookout for the best products on the market.

Problem is, most men are either embarrassed to ask or are under the notion that “beauty” exists only for the softer beautiful. Well it’s about time that men start getting some of the limelight. Every woman knows that there’s nothing hot that a dapper well groomed man strutting confidently down the street. So why should girls have all the fun?

Here are a couple of manly beauty secrets just for men to ensure that they look their very best at all times.

1. Shave, shave, shave!

Nothing more alluring and more kissable than a silky smooth jaw. Most women are into the clean shaven look. That means the stubble has gotta go boys. An unkempt bearded look definitely works on some, provided it’s well cut and carefully maintained. But if you want to dress to impress, that 6:00 o’clock shadow needs to beat it. Here’s how.

Shave, shave, shave!

Most men prefer their good old trusty razors and shaving creams. It’s been seen however that some creams are cancerous and have a rough feel on the skin. So what’s the alternative?

Making your very own homemade shaving cream of course! Use about 3 to 5 tablespoons of butter. Add this to a couple tablespoons of coconut oil, olive or almond oil and citrus to add a pleasant scent. You’ll have the perfect lather-y shaving cream that transform dull and lifeless skin into the center of attraction. It also allows for a closer and smoother shave. All these naturally occurring ingredients coupled together soothe tired pores and unhappy inflammations.

2. Manicure and Pedicure

Men, there’s really no shame in taking care of your nails. Even though it’s predominantly considered to be a girl thing, it surely doesn’t make you any less macho to want to treat yourself to a mani-pedi. They say one of the first things that a woman notice if a pair of nice, well kept hands. So here’s your chance!

Make sure you keep your nails trimmed at all times. Cracked and black nails are really not doing anything for your rep. If you’re not sure how to fix your damaged nails then you could always visit your nearest manicurist.

Manicure and Pedicure

Men’s hands are more prone to getting crusty and rough over time. To rectify this, use some jojoba oil or coconut oil to get rid of those dead cells and bring them back to life.

3. Whiter Teeth

A gorgeous face is ruined by an unappealing yellow smile. It doesn’t really take too long nor does it take that much effort to give yourself a bright, white smile. Don’t neglect your oral routine at any cost. There are certain things that could be avoided to ensure you don’t stain your teeth. Coffee, tea and tobacco are some of the main things.

Whiter Teeth of Man

Accumulation of nasty bacteria inside the mouth can give way to skanky breath. So keep a simple mouthwash handy at all times. Or just chew some gum. That works too. There are several whitening and gum care toothpastes in the market that will make those pearly whites dazzle like the stars.

4. Care For That Hair

Avoid those locks from getting too oily and greasy. A stench emanating from the roots of your hair doesn’t form the best impression either. Use a shampoo that’s rich in Vitamin E. It strengthens roots and leaves a glossy finish. To avoid premature balding or that dreaded receding hairline, ensure you oil and nourish your hair regularly. Try using a conditioner to make that hair behave better from time to time.

The next important part of your hair care routine is manscaping. That means shaving or getting rid of your pubic hair. Although this isn’t necessary, it’s always nice to flaunt a clean shaven bod. Use an anti septic lotion to get rid of unruly body hair and carefully shave those armpits every now and then to keep them cleaner and avoid cringeworthy smells.

5. The Wrinkles Need To Go! ASAP!

There is a way to ensure that you don’t end up looking older than your years. Diet and exercise are without a doubt, one of the most important things. But there are quicker easier ways that guarantee results.  Use a good anti-aging cream to smooth out those wrinkles in your skin and watch as your face is restored to its youthful appeal.

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The Wrinkles Need To Go! ASAP

To get more benefits in a single cream, use something that has SPF and protects you from the sun. Don’t use something that has too glossy or shiny a finish.

A lot of men tend to have baggy under eyes. This indicates a retention of fluids causes due to exhaustion and lack of sleep. A good way to fix this is munching on healthy leafy greens especially celery.

6. Prep Those Peckers

man lips with a lip balm

Avert a case of seriously chapped and unsightly lips by moisturizing them with a lip balm every now and then. A major attraction to women is soft, plush, kissable lips. The tiny wrinkles around your smackers have to go. Lips are made from extremely sensitive tissue and do not have their own oil storage containers. Neither do they have any sweat glands. Make sure the balm that you use has SPF capabilities and contains Lanolin.

7. Healthier Skin

The last thing you need to make sure of is that you have healthy glowing skin that radiates your inner personality. Use a good hydrating cream and a neem or lemon face wash to extract impurities that are deeply embedded in your skin. The major contributing factor to glowing skin is of course your diet. Cantaloupes, tomato, leafy greens, pumpkins, potatoes, oranges and green tea, will transform dull and lifeless skin completely.

Healthier man Skin

Avoid touching your face throughout the day and keep a packet of wet wipes to cleanse your skin while you’re on the go. Plenty of exercise to dispel harmful toxins from your body goes a long way

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