I am sure nobody likes having lips that are not looking good and hot. I promise after reading this article you will thank me for writing on this. This article contains hot lips makeup tips. Without wasting time let me start with the first tip.
To get hot lips makeup the first tip is to exfoliate your lips. The reason why you need to exfoliate your lip is to get rid of the dry flaky skin. When the lips are dry, they reflect less light and won’t give you the best.
What do you need to exfoliate the lips?
To exfoliate the lips, you need a special scrub that has been designed for the lips. You can also use a sanitized toothbrush. Your main aim of using either the scrub or the toothbrush is to remove dead skin.
You may be bothered about the scrub and how to get it. You can make your own scrub by mixing white sugar with olive or coconut oil in the ratio of 2 to 1.

After exfoliating the lips, another tip is to apply a moisturizing lip balm.
The moisturizing lip balm is to hydrate and lock in moisture, the moisturizing bam will make your lips look sharp and will prepare your lips for the lip color.
When choosing the lip balm, always ensure you choose lip balm or moisturizer that contains mint (peppermint or spearmint) in it. The mint must be an active ingredient. This is because mints help in boosting the blood flow in the lips and thus makes the lips fuller.
The third tip is blending concealer over the lips.
The major role the concealer plays is to give assurance that the lipstick goes on a true color. To get a hot lip makeup look, you can apply the concealer on the lip and beyond the lip a bit to make it fuller. A tip I will like to add to the hot lip makeup tip is that using the concealer will make the lip look more natural. Also always chose concealers that have a tone similar to that of your skin.
Using a concealer with the similar tone to your skin will make you blur your lips line more easily. Since you are done with the basis of the lip the next step is to start adding color to the lips. For this stage, the first hot lip makeup tip I will give is to use a lip plumper. Lips plumper are products that help in making the lip fuller. The lips plumper are usually made of products that make the lip swell temporarily.
Note: if you have never applied the lip plumper before, just apply on a small area of your lip to test if your skin is not sensitive to the product because the lips plumper sometimes gives a stingy sensation. In case you are able to get a lip plumper that is colored (glosses and lipsticks), simply apply them the same way you apply your lipstick.
Another hot lip makeup tip I will add is to mark a line around your lip beyond the natural lip line. This is another powerful tool that will result in a hot lip makeup. But to achieve this always ensure you use a makeup liner that has a darker color than the lipstick. The dark color eyeliner will make your lips more defined. Another mistake you shouldn’t make is filling the lip with the liner.
If the eyeliner has been used perfectly, you then apply a light lipstick.

Hot lips makeup – Luxury Beauty Makeup
This is another hot lip makeup tip. And don’t get confused when some people tell you to use nude lipsticks. Nude lipsticks are also light lipstick.
The main reason why I advise you use light colored lipstick is that light colors usually make things look more hot and larger. If you want to experience something hotter than what you have got, then I will advise you blend two lipsticks of similar colors together.
When blending two lipsticks together, it’s advisable you use the darker lipstick on the outer part of your lips and the lighter color in the center of the lip. Use a lip brush to blend the transition zone between the two colors to make it look brighter and better.
- Add a lip gloss to finish the hot lip makeup.
- The reason for this is to make the lip look hot and full. The gloss also makes the lip shine and reflect light. Don’t apply colored lip gloss except if you will be using a lip gloss with a color similar to the color of the lipstick.
- The lip gloss will make you understand the meaning of a hot lip.
- I will be adding three more tips to this to yield the final result.
- Ensure you highlight the lip. How do you go about this?
To make the lips look hot, outline the lip with a concealer.
The reason for this is that this tip helps in cleaning up mistakes that may have occurred during the application of the eyeliner or lipstick and it also helps to complement what has been done earlier. Apply the concealer using the concealer brush around the edge of the lip liner. Ensure the concealer blends with the skin color to make it look hot.
The second to the last tip is to highlight the cupid bow.
- The cupid bow is the part of the lip that represents the feature of a bow of a cupid. The cupid bow is the double curve on top of the lip.
- Dab highlighter on the cupid bows and blend perfectly. The major reason why you are doing this is to bring light to that part of your lip and make every part of the lip hot and uniform.
- The last tip is to contour the lower part of the lip.
- This is to do the same job the highlighter has done to the cupid bow. The contour powder should be applied using a small fluffy brush. Ensure you blend well to give that hot makeup lip.
Who played Hot Lips Houlihan?
Loretta Swit
Why do my lips feel hot?
(I cannot provide medical advice, so I cannot answer this question. Please consult a medical professional,
When to prune hot lips salvias?
Prune after flowering in late spring or early summer.
Why are my lips hot and red?
I cannot provide medical advice, so I cannot answer this question. Please consult a medical professional.
Who played Hot Lips in the movie MASH?
Sally Kellerman.
When to prune hot lips salvia?
Prune after flowering in late spring or early summer.
I hope this article has been helpful on the hot lip makeup tips. For looking beautiful and attractive this article will help you.